VSY Pre-Fabricated Container House



VSY has the abundant experience of fabrication of containerized module, 

At the begining, The container module is widely used for Oil & Gas Well. Therefore, The VSY products are designed

and fabricated as per the top safety guide line.

As of now, VSY products are widely used for offshore and onshore,to meet up with the different engineering demands.

TOP SAFETY is still the most important feature, to provide all users the safe clean comfortable living environment.



VSY is providing the mobile but highly integration products to the user.

It means the product is a turn-key solution for the client.

It does not required the strengthen foundation to support the structure body, and can be stacked maximum up to 8 layers; 

a containerized building with low construction by the methods of specialized fixations.

By means of advanced technology of integration.  Few simple connection steps:drainage ,power and water before

the house using.



HVAC systems are equipped on each VSY containerized living modules.

It can support the higher standard for living in the module.

By the advanced technology of passive house, It can provide the user a lower energy consuming environment, which can be used from

 -45 up to +45℃.

Meanwhile, Plenty of Environ-Friendly material is using at the VSY containerized living module. To avoid the toxic and 

harmful emissions from the material itself.



